clear all; clc; disp("We have the duct resistance deltap=0.25*((7000/5000)^2)") delta_p=0.25*((7000/5000)^2) printf(" deltap %0.2f in.wg at 7000cfm",delta_p) disp("The density in the building can be calculated from rho=p/R*T") p=12.5 R=53.3 T=85+460 rho=p*144/(R*T)//144 is convesrion factor printf("\n rho= %0.5f lbm/ft^3",rho) disp("So the equivalent SPe of the required fan at STP can be found out") SPe=0.49*0.075/0.0619 printf("\n SPe = %0.4f in.wg.",SPe) disp("Form figure 5.24a,at SP=0.5,Q1=6894,N1=347,BHP1=0.76 and Q2=7660, N2=360, BHP2=0.88. Hence for Q=7000cfm we can determine Ndash") Ndash=347+(360-347)*((7000-6894)/(7660-6894)) printf("\n Ndash is equal to %0.2f rpm",Ndash) BHPdash=0.76+(0.88-0.76)*0.138 printf("\n BHPdash= %0.4f",BHPdash) disp("At Sp=5/8=0.625 in.wg.,Q1=6894,N1=375,BHP1=0.92 and Q2=7660,N2=387,BHP2=1.05,so for Q=7000cfm we can determine Ndbldash and BHPdbldassh") Ndbldash=375+((387-375)*0.138) printf("\n Ndbldash %0.2f rpm",Ndbldash) BHPdbldash=0.92+(1.05-0.92)*0.138 printf("\n BHPdbldash %0.4f hp",BHPdbldash) disp("Again interpolating for SPe=0.593,we have values of N and BHP as mentioned below ") N=348.8+(376.6-348.8)*((0.593-0.5)/(0.625-0.5)) printf("\n N= %0.0frpm",N) BHP=0.776+(0.938-0.776)*0.744 printf("\n BHP= %0.4f hp",BHP) disp("Correcting for the reduced air density,the actual BHP is determined") BHP=0.896*0.0619/0.075 printf("\n Actual BHP is equal to %0.4f",BHP)