//Finding the Harmonic input current of a DC converter //Example 5.9(Page No- 213) clc clear //given data Ia = 100;//A f = 350;//Hz k = 0.50;//duty cycle Ce = 4500*10^-6;//F Le = 0.3*10^-3;//H fo = 1/(2*%pi*sqrt(Ce*Le)); //I_1h(t) = A1*cos(2*pi*f*t) + B1*sin(2*pi*f*t) A1 = (Ia/%pi)*sin(2*%pi*k); B1 = (Ia/%pi)*(1-cos(2*%pi*k)); Iph = sqrt(A1^2 + B1^2);//peak magnitude of this current I_1h = Iph/sqrt(2); I1s = (I_1h)/(1 + (f/fo)^2); printf('\n The fundamental component of converter-generated harmonic current in the supply : %.2f A',I1s);