//Finding the Circuit values of a UJT Triggering ciruit //Example 17.2(Page No-774) clc clear //given data Vs=30;//in volts n=0.51; Ip=10*10^-6;//amperes Vv=3.5;//volts Iv=10*10^-3;//amps f=60;//Hz tg=50*10^-6;//in sec Vd=0.5;//volts T=1/f;//sec Vp=n*Vs+Vd; C=0.5*10^-6;//assume C x=(Vs-Vp)/Ip;//upper limit of R x=x*10^-6;//in megaohms printf('upper limit of R:%2.2f kohms\n',x); y=(Vs-Vv)/Iv;//lower limit of R y=y*10^-3;//in kiloohms printf('lower limit of R:%2.2f Mohms\n',y); R=1/(f*C*log(1/(1-n))); R=R*10^-3;//in kohms printf('Value of R:%2.2f kohms\n',R); Vb1=Vp;//peak gate voltage Rb1=tg/C; printf('Rb1:%d Ohms\n',Rb1); Rb2=10^4/(n*Vs); printf('Rb2:%.2f Ohms\n',Rb2);