//page no 692 clc // Given that Ms_Fe=5.25*10^5; //Required saturation Magnetisation in A/m b_m=9.27*10^-24; //Bohr Magneton in ampere*m^2 a=0.839*10^-9; //a is edge length in m M=5*10^5; //From previous question result printf(" Design Example 18.1\n"); y=poly([0],'y') // Defining X nb=Ms_Fe*a^3/b_m; // 'x' represent fraction of Mn++ that have substituted Fe++ n=roots(8*[5*y+4*(1-y)]-nb); //5 is Bohr magnetons per Fe++ ion //4 is Bohr magnetons per Mn++ ion printf("\n Replacing %.1f%% of Fe++ with Mn++ would produce \n the required saturation magnetisation of %.2e A/m\n",n*100,Ms_Fe);