//calculating proximate analysis //Example 2.5 clc clear m1=1//mass of air dried coal in g m2=0.985//mass of dry coal residue after heating for 1hr in g m3=0.8//mass of residue after heating for 7min in g m4=0.1//mass of last residue Mm=m1-m2//mass of moisture in coal sample in g Mv=m2-m3//mass of volatile matter in g Ma=m4//mass of ash %m=Mm*100//percentage moisture %v=Mv*100//percentage of volatile matter %a=Ma*100//percentage of ash %c=100-(%m+%v+%a)//percentage of fixed carbon printf('Thus (i)percentage of moisture = %2.1f percent\n',%m) printf('(ii)percentage of volatile matter = %2.1f percent\n',%v) printf('(iii)percentage of ash = %2.0f percent\n',%a) printf('(iv)percentage of fixed carbon = %2.0f percent \n',%c)