clc; clear all; n = 8.9e-4; // Co-efficient of viscosity of water in newton second per square meter a = 0.054e-2; // Radius of capillary tube in meters l = 56e-2; // Length of the capillary tube in meters h = 34e-2; // Height of pressure head in meters t = 300; // Time of flow in seconds g = 9.8; // Gravity Constant rho = 1e3; // Density of water in Kg per meter cube V = (%pi*h*g*rho*t*(a^4)/(8*n*l)); mass = V*rho;//mass mass1=mass*1e3;//conversion to gm from Kg disp('g',mass1,'The mass of water flowing in 5 minutes') //there is variation in the answer than book.. there is mistake in book.. checked in calculator also..