clc //given that E_eV = 510 // Energy of gamma ray in keV h = 6.63e-34 // Planks constant m_e = 9.1e-31 // mass of electron in kg c = 3e8 // speed of light in m/sec theta = 90 // scattering angle in degree printf("Example 3.18") E_j = E_eV*1e3*1.6e-19 // Energy of gamma ray in Joule lambda = h*c/E_j // Calculation of wavelength in meter d_lambda= h*(1-cos(theta*%pi/180))*1e10/(m_e*c) // calculation of wavelength shift in angstrom lambda_n = lambda+d_lambda/1e10 // Calculation of recoiled electron wavelength d_E = h*c*(d_lambda/1e10)/(1.6e-19*lambda_n*lambda)// Calculation of recoiled electron energy in eV psi= atan(1/(tan((theta*%pi/180)/2)/(1+(h/(lambda*m_e*c))))) phi_deg = 90 - psi*180/%pi // Calculation of degree part of angle of recoiled electron phi_min = 60*(phi_deg - floor(phi_deg))// Calculation of minute part of angle of recoiled electron printf("\nWavelength of scattered radiation is %e m ",lambda_n) printf("\nEnergy of recoiled electron is %f MeV.",d_E/1e6) printf("\nRecoiled electron angle is %d degree%d minute \n\n\n",phi_deg,phi_min)