// Given:- T1 = 294.0 // entry temperature of air in kelvin P1 = 5.1 // entry pressure of air in bars T2 = 352.0 // exit temperature of hot stream in kelvin P2 = 1.0 // exit pressure of hot stream in bars T3 = 255.0 // exit temperature of cold stream in kelvin P3 = 1.0 // exit pressure of cold stream in bars cp = 1.0 // in kj/kg.k // Calculations R = 8.314/28.97 se = 0.4*(cp*log((T2)/(T1))-R*log(P2/P1)) + 0.6*(cp*log((T3)/(T1))-R*log(P3/P1)) // specific entropy in kj/kg.k // Results printf( ' Specific entropy in kj/kg.k = %.3f KJ/kg.',se) printf( ' Since se > 0, the claim of the writer is true');