// Given:- // Entering:- p1=0.1 // pressure in bar x1= 0.95 // Quality p2= 0.1 // pressure in bar t2= 45.0 // temperature in deg celcius t3=20.0 // temperature of cooling entry in deg cel t4=35.0 // temperature of cooling exit // From table A-3 hf= 191.53 // Enthalpy in KJ/kg hg= 2584.7 // Enthalpy in KJ/kg h2=188.45 // Assumption at states 2,3 and 4, h is approx equal to hf(T), in kJ/kg deltah4_3= 62.7 // Assumption 4, in kJ/kg // Calculations:- h1= hf + x1*(hg-hf) ratio= (h1-h2)/(deltah4_3) QRate= (h2-h1) // Part B // Results:- printf('The rate of the mass flow rate of the cooling water to the mass flow rate of the condenstaing stream is (m3dot/m1dot) %.2f ',ratio) printf('The rate of energy transfer from the condensing steam to the cooling water of the steam passing through the condenser is %.2f kJ/kg.',QRate)