clc clear //DATA GIVEN D=0.3; //bore of engine cylinder in m L=0.45; //stroke length in m N=300; //engine speed in R.P.M. Pmi=6; //mean effective pressure in bar NBL=1.5; //Net brake load (W-S) in kN Db=1.8; //diameter of brake drum d=0.02; //brake rope diameter n=1; //no. of cylinders k=0.5; //for 4-stroke cylinder //INDICTED POWER ,I.P.=(n*PMI*l*A*N*k*10)/6 kW A=(%pi/4)*(D^2); IP=(n*Pmi*L*A*N*k*10)/6; BP=NBL*(%pi)*(Db+d)*N/(60); eta=BP/IP; //mechanical efficiency printf(' (i) The Indicted Power, I.P. is: %5.2f kW. \n',IP); printf(' (ii) The Brake Power, B.P. is: %5.2f kW. \n',BP); printf('(iii) Mechanical efficiency is: %5.4f or %5.2f percent.\n',eta,(eta*100));