//Ex1_20 clc; //Given: mh=1.00783; mn=1.00867; m35=34.96885; // atomic mass of Cl (35) m37=36.96590; // atomic mass of Cl (37) //solution: B1=(17*mh+18*mn-m35)*931; // in MeV Bh=B1/m35; printf("\n The mean binding energy of Cl (35) atom in MeV is = %f ",Bh) B2=(17*mh+20*mn-m37)*931; // in MeV Bo=B2/m37; printf("\n The mean binding energy of Cl (37) atom in MeV is = %f ",Bo) Bi=Bo-Bh; printf("\n The increase in mean binding energy of Cl atom in MeV is = %f ",Bi) // NOTE: The answer depends upon how much precise value you take for atomic masses.