clc; clear; mprintf('MACHINE DESIGN \n Timothy H. Wentzell, P.E. \n EXAMPLE-20.3 Page No.434\n'); R=1200; Ft=500; n=1500; L10=5000; //Assume thrust factor=1.6 Y=1.6; Pd=0.56*R+Y*Ft; Ld=n*L10*60/10^6; Lc=1; k=3; Cd=Pd*(Ld/Lc)^(1/k); //For bearing number 6215 Cd1=11400; Cs1=9700; //Verify the assumption for Y Ft_Cs1=Ft/Cs1; Y=(0.056-Ft_Cs1)*(1.99-1.71)/(0.056-0.028)+1.71; Pd=0.56*R+Y*Ft; Cd=Pd*(Ld/Lc)^(1/k); if Cd>Cd1 then mprintf('\n Since Cd of bearing < Cd required, So bearing number 6215 is not acceptable.'); end //For bearing number 6216 Cd2=12600; Cs2=10500; Ft_Cs2=Ft/Cs2; Y=(0.056-Ft_Cs2)*(1.99-1.71)/(0.056-0.028)+1.71; Pd=0.56*R+Y*Ft; Cd=Pd*(Ld/Lc)^(1/k); if Cd Cd required, So bearing number 6215 meets the design criteria.'); end