X = [53 35 31 37 40 43; 36 34 17 21 30 18; 47 37 17 31 45 26; 55 31 17 23 43 37; 40 32 19 26 45 37; 52 42 20 27 26 32; 39 28 21 21 36 28; 40 32 21 21 36 35]; m= 8; n = 6; Xidot = zeros(8,1); for i=1:8 for j=1:6 Xidot(i)=Xidot(i) + X(i,j); end end Xidot = Xidot/6; Xjdot = zeros(6,1); for j=1:6 for i=1:8 Xjdot(j)=Xjdot(j) + X(i,j); end end Xjdot = Xjdot/8; Xdotdot = sum(Xidot)/8; new = (Xidot - Xdotdot)^2; SSr = n*sum(new); new1 = (Xjdot - Xdotdot)^2; SSc = m*sum(new1); SSe = 0; for i=1:m for j=1:n SSe = SSe + (X(i,j)-Xidot(i)-Xjdot(j)+ Xdotdot)^2; end end N =(m-1)*(n-1); TS1 = SSr*N/((m-1)*SSe); TS2 = SSc*N/((n-1)*SSe); pvaluec = 1- cdff("PQ", TS1, m-1, N); pvaluer = 1- cdff("PQ", TS2, n-1, N); //disp(pvaluer, pvaluec); //disp(TS1, TS2); disp(TS1, "The value of the F-statistic for testing that there is no row effect is"); disp(pvaluec, "The p-value for testing that there is no row effect is"); disp(TS2, "The value of the F-statistic for testing that there is no column effect is"); disp(pvaluer, "The p-value for testing that there is no column effect is");