X=[75 73 60 70 86; 78 71 64 72 90; 80 69 62 70 85; 73 67 63 80 92 ]; Xidot = zeros(4,1); for i=1:4 for j=1:5 Xidot(i)=Xidot(i) + X(i,j); end end Xidot = Xidot/5; Xjdot = zeros(5,1); for j=1:5 for i=1:4 Xjdot(j)=Xjdot(j) + X(i,j); end end Xjdot = Xjdot/4; Xdotdot = sum(Xidot)/4; //disp(Xdotdot) meanhat = Xdotdot; alphahat = Xidot - meanhat; betahat = Xjdot - meanhat; disp(meanhat, "The estimator of the mean is"); disp("The alphas are-") disp(alphahat) disp("The betas are-") disp(betahat)