//Determine the Q point at two different B clear; clc; //soltion //given //At B=50 B=50; //dc beta Rc=2*10^3;//ohm //resistor connected to collector Rb=300*10^3;//ohm //resistor connected to base Vcc=9;//V //Voltage supply across the collector resistor Ib=Vcc/Rb; //Base current Ic=B*Ib; //Colletor current Ics=Vcc/Rc; //Colletor saturation current //Actual Ic is the smaller of the above two values Vce=Vcc-Ic*Rc; printf("The Q point (At B=50) is (%.0f V, %.1f mA)\n",Vce,Ic*1000); //At B=150 B1=150; //dc beta Ic1=B*Ib; //Colletor current Ics1=Vcc/Rc; //Colletor saturation current //Actual Ic is the smaller of the above two values i.e. Ic(sat) and since the transistor is in saturation mode therefore Vce will become 0 Vce=0; printf("The Q point (At B=150) is (%d V, %.1f mA)\n",Vce,Ics*1000); printf("The factor at which collector current increases %.0f",Ics1/Ic);