//Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit //Chapter 4 Bipolar Junction transistors Pg no. 133 clear; clc; //Given Data VCEsat=0.25;//VCEsat in volts VBB=4.5;//base driving source in volts RB=20;//base resistance in kilo-ohms RC=680;//collector resistance in ohms VCC=9;//collector driving source in volts VBE=0.7;//forward drop of emitter diode Bdc=100;//dc current gain for CE configuration //Solution //Figure 4.12 ICsat=(VCC-VCEsat)/RC*1000;//value of collector saturation current in milli-amperes printf("IC(sat)=%.2f mA\n\n",ICsat); IB=(VBB-VBE)/RB;//value of base current in milli-amperes printf("IB=%.2f mA\n\n",IB); IC=Bdc*IB;//collector current for given IB in milli-amperes printf("IC=%d mA\n\n",IC); if IC>ICsat then printf("Since IC(calculated) = %d mA is greater than IC(sat),\nthe transistor is in saturation.\nThe collector current of %d mA is never reached.\nIf you increase IB further,\nthe collector current is at the saturation value.",IC,IC); end //Error of 0.01 mA in textbook in the calculation of IC(sat)