//Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit //Chapter 3 Semiconductor Diodes and Miscellaneous Devices Pg no. 89 clear; clc; //Given Data Rl=470;//Load resistance in ohms r=2;//Diodes dynamic resistance in ohms esp=50;//Input signal voltage magnitude in volts peak esf=314/(2*%pi);//Input signal frequncy in hertz //Solution disp("(a)"); Ep=esp*sqrt(2);//peak voltage in volts Ip=Ep/(Rl+r)*1000;//peak current in amperes printf("The peak value of current = Ip=%.1f mA\n",Ip*1000); disp("(b)"); Iavg=2*Ip/%pi;//average or d.c. value of current in in milli-amperes printf("The average or d.c. value of current = Iav=%.2f mA\n",Iavg); disp("(c)"); Irms=Ip/sqrt(2);//rms current in milli-amperes printf("The rms value of current = Irms=%.2f mA\n",Irms); disp("(d)"); RF=sqrt((Irms/Iavg)^2-1);//ripple factor printf("The ripple factor = RF=%.4f\n",RF); disp("(e)"); Pdc=(Iavg/1000)^2*Rl//d.c. output power in watts Pac=(Irms/1000)^2*(Rl+r);//input ac power in watts n=Pdc/Pac;//Rectification efficiency is output dc power over input ac power printf("Rectification efficiency= %.2f percentage",n*100); //Efficiency calculation error in textbook and also decimal errors due to approximations