//Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit //Chapter 3 Semiconductor Diodes and Miscellaneous Devices Pg no. 97 clear; clc; //Given Data //From Figure 3.28 V=15;//value of voltage source in volts Vz=10;//zener breakdown voltage in volts Rs=300;//series resistance R in ohms Rp=900;//shunt resistance R' in ohms Izmax=10;//maximum zener current in milli-amperes //Solution //Assuming ideal diode Vz=12V and Rz=0 ohms Vrs=V-Vz;//voltage across resistor in volts Irs=Vrs/Rs*1000;//current through resistor R in milli-amperes Irp=Vz/Rp*1000;//current through resistor R' in milli-amperes Iz=Irs-Irp;//current through diode in milli-amperes if Iz