// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Engineering Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh Chapter 7 Example 19") T=(200+273);//temperature of water in K disp("clapeyron equation says,h_fg=T*v_fg*(dp/dT)_sat") disp("from steam tables,vg=0.12736 m^3/kg,vf=0.001157 m^3/kg") vg=0.12736; vf=0.001157; disp("v_fg=(vg-vf)_200oc in m^3/kg") v_fg=(vg-vf) disp("let us approximate,") disp("(dp/dT)_sat_200oc=(deltaP/deltaT)_200oc=(P_205oc-P_195oc)/(205-195) in Mpa/oc") disp("here from steam tables,P_205oc=1.7230 Mpa,P_195oc=1.3978 Mpa") P_205oc=1.7230;//pressure at 205 degree celcius in Mpa P_195oc=1.3978;//pressure at 195 degree celcius in Mpa (P_205oc-P_195oc)/(205-195) disp("substituting in clapeyron equation,") disp("h_fg in KJ/kg") h_fg=T*v_fg*(P_205oc-P_195oc)*1000/(205-195) disp("so calculated enthalpy of vaporisation=1941.25 KJ/kg") disp("and enthalpy of vaporisation from steam table=1940.7 KJ/kg")