// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Engineering Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh Chapter 6 Example 2") disp("during throttling,h1=h2") disp("at state 2,enthalpy can be seen for superheated steam using Table 4 at 0.05 Mpa and 100 degree celcius") disp("thus h2=2682.5 KJ/kg") h2=2682.5; disp("at state 1,before throttling") disp("hf_10Mpa=1407.56 KJ/kg") hf_10Mpa=1407.56; disp("hfg_10Mpa=1317.1 KJ/kg") hfg_10Mpa=1317.1; disp("h1=hf_10Mpa+x1*hfg_10Mpa") h1=h2;//during throttling disp("dryness fraction(x1)may be given as") disp("x1=(h1-hf_10Mpa)/hfg_10Mpa") x1=(h1-hf_10Mpa)/hfg_10Mpa