// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Engineering Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh Chapter 6 Example 10") p1=800;//initial pressure of steam in Kpa T1=200;//initial temperature of steam in degree celcius disp("here steam is kept in rigid vessel,therefore its specific volume shall remain constant") disp("it is superheated steam as Tsat=170.43 degree celcius at 800 Kpa") disp("from superheated steam table;v1=0.2404 m^3/kg") disp("at begining of condensation specific volume = 0.2404 m^3/kg") disp("v2=0.2404 m^3/kg") v2=0.2404; disp("this v2 shall be specific volume corresponding to saturated vapour state for condensation.") disp("thus v2=vg=0.2404 m^3/kg") vg=v2; disp("looking into steam table vg=0.2404 m^3/kg shall lie between temperature 175 degree celcius(vg=0.2168 m^3/kg)and 170 degree celcius(vg=0.2428 m^3/kg)and pressure 892 Kpa(175 degree celcius)and 791.7 Kpa(170 degree celcius).") disp("by interpolation,temperature at begining of condensation(T2)in K") T2=175-((175-170)*(0.2404-0.2167))/(0.2428-.2168) disp("similarily,pressure(p2)in Kpa") p=892-(((892-791.7)*(0.2404-0.2168))/(0.2428-0.2168))