clc;clear; //Example 11.5 //given data m=0.1; T1=0+460; T3=80+460;//converting into R from F //from Table A–17E // at T1 h1=109.90; Pr1=.7913; //pressure ratio at compressor is 4 Pr2=4*Pr1; //at Pr2 h2=163.5; T2=683; //at T3 h3=129.06; Pr3=1.3860; //pressure ratio at compressor is 4 Pr4=Pr3/4; //at Pr4 h4=86.7; T4=363; //calculations qL=h1-h4; Wout=h3-h4; Win=h2-h1; COPR=qL/(Win-Wout); Qrefrig=m*qL; disp((T4-460),'the minimum temperatures in the cycle in F'); disp((T2-460),'the maximum temperatures in the cycle in F'); disp(COPR,'the coefficient of performance'); disp(Qrefrig,'the rate of refrigeration for a mass flow rate of 0.1 lbm/s. in Btu/s')