clc;clear; //Example 10.9 //given data P1=5; P2=7000; P3=P2; T3=500; P4=P1; //gas cycle from Ex9-6 //d stands for ' h4d=880.36; T4d=853; qin=790.58; wnetg=210.41; nth=0.266 h5d=451.80; //steam cycle h2=144.78; T2=33; h3=3411.4; T3=500; wnets=1331.4; nth=0.408; //calculations //Ein = Eout //y is the ratio of ms/mg y=(h4d-h5d)/(h3-h2); disp(y,'the ratio of the mass flow rates of the steam and the combustion gases'); wnet=wnetg+y*wnets nth=wnet/qin; disp(nth,'the thermal efficiency of the combined cycle')