//Determine the following parameters. t = 120; d = 24; BH = 5; BW = 5000; RFw = 200; S = 60000; A = 500; E = t/(d*BH*60); Nrf = BW/RFw; Srf = Nrf/(4*3); TCH = Srf*8; Tbts = 9.82*3; //Using Erlang B table Sbts = (Tbts*1000)/TCH; BTSn = S/Sbts; R = sqrt(A/(BTSn*Srf)); disp(E, 'Erlangs per subscriber') disp(TCH, 'Traffic Channels per sector') disp(BTSn, 'No. of BTS in a zone') disp(R, 'Avg. Hexagonal cell radius (in Km)')