// Chapter 4_Carrier Transport Phenomenon //Caption_The Hall Effect //Ex_7//page 158 L=10^-3 //LENGTH IN M W=10^-2 //WIDTH IN CM d=10^-5 Ix=10^-3 //current in Amp Vx=12.5 e=1.6*(10^-19) Bz=500 //magnetic field in gauss Vh=-6.25*10^-3 //hall voltage //A negative hall voltage for this geometry implies that we have an n-type semiconductor BzT=Bz*10^-4 //magnetic field in tesla n=-(Ix*BzT)/(e*d*Vh*10^6) mun=(Ix*L)/(e*n*Vx*W*d) printf('Majority carrier concentration is %1.1fd cm^-3 and mobility is %1.1fd cm^2/V-s ',n,mun)