//Ex18_4 Pg-946 clc w=0.3*10^(-6)*100 //width of silicon in cm alpha=4*10^(4) phi=10^(-2) e=1.6*10^(-19) //electron charge in eV disp("(1) Energy absorbed/sec is given by ") E=phi*(1-exp(alpha*w)) //energy absorbed(textbook answer is wrong) printf(" = %.1f mW \n",abs(E)*1e3) disp("(2) The portion of each photo energy that is converted into heat is obtained as hv-Eg/hv") Heat=(3-1.12)/3*100 //photon energy coverted to heat printf(" = %.0f %%",Heat) E1=(62/100)*0.0232 //energy dissipated/sec (textbook answer is wrong) printf("\n Obviously, the amount of energy dissipated/sec to lattice \n is %.1f mW \n",E1*1e3) disp("(3) Number of photons/sec from recombination is") num_photons=2.4/(e*1.12) printf(" = %.1f*1e19 photon/sec \n",num_photons*1e-19) //textbook answer is wrong disp("Therefore recombination radiation") RR=abs(E)-E1 //recombination radiation (textbok answer is wrong) printf(" = %.1f mW",RR*1e3)