disp('chapter 7 ex7.7') disp('given') disp('design op-amp circuit using a supply of +or-12volt') disp('voltage Vp=+or-5volt') disp('frequency f=10kHz square wave from signal source with resistance Rs=100ohm') Vcc=12 Vee=12 Vp=5 Rs=100 f=10000 disp('C1=1/(2*Rs*f)') C1=1/(2*Rs*f) disp('farads',C1) //standard value disp('v=1%of 5 volt') v=.01*5 disp('volts',v) disp('R1=Vp/(C1*v*f)') R1=Vp/(C1*v*f) disp('ohms',R1) //use 22kohm standard value disp('R2=R1=22kohm') disp('for diodes D1 and D2,Vr>[Vcc-(-Vee)]') Vr=[Vcc-(-Vee)] disp('volts',Vr) disp('trr