disp('chapter 7 ex7.3') disp('given') disp('Design a high input impedance precision full-wave rectifier circuit') disp('input peak value Vi=1volt') Vi=1 disp('supply voltage Vcc=+or-15volt') //(using bipolar op-amp) Vcc=15 disp('let I6=500*10^(-6)A') //for adequate diode current I6=500*10^(-6) disp('R6=Vi/I6') R6=Vi/I6 disp('ohms',R6) disp('use 1.8kohm standard value') R6=1800 disp('R4=R5=R6=1.8kohm') //standard value R4=1800 R5=1800 disp('R3=2*R4') R3=2*R4 disp('ohms',R3) //use two 1.8kohm resistors in series disp('R1=R3||R4') R1=R3*R4/(R3+R4) disp('ohms',R1) //standard value disp('R2=R6||R5') R2=R6*R5/(R6+R5) disp('ohms',R2) //use 1kohm standard value disp('compensate the op-amps for Av1=2 and A2 as a voltage follower')