// Scilab Code Ex13.7: Page-490(2014) clc; clear; t = 30e-003; // Time during which the number of fissions is to be calculated, s E = 185; // Energy produced for each fission, MeV delta_t = 5e-006; // Average time during which a neutron is captured, s fs = t/delta_t; // Number of fission cycles within 30 ms N = (1.01)^fs; // Number of fissions that occur in 30 ms E_total = N*E; // Total energy produced in 30 ms, MeV printf("\nThe total number of fissions that occur in %d ms = %3.1e", t/1e-003, N); printf("\nThe total energy produced = %3.1e MeV", E_total); // Result // The total number of fissions that occur in 30 ms = 8.5e+025 // The total energy produced = 1.6e+028 MeV // The answers are given wrong in the textbook