clc h=1.05*10^-34 disp("h = "+string(h)+"Js") //initializing value of reduced plancks constant or dirac constant or h-bar mo = 9.1*10^-31 disp("mo = "+string(mo)+"kg") //initializing value of mass of electron me = 0.067*9.1*10^-31 disp("me* = "+string(me)+"kg") //initializing value of electron mass of InAs kbT = 0.026 disp("kbT = "+string(kbT)+"eV") //initializing value of kbT at 300K mh = 0.45*9.1*10^-31 disp("mh*= "+string(mh)+"kg")//initializing value of hole density of state mass To = .6*10^-9 disp("To = "+string(To)+"s") //initializing value of minimum recombination time p = 10^21 disp("p = "+string(p)+"m^-3") //initializing value of excess electron or hole density injected T = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2) disp("T = (p/(2*To))*((2*(%pi)*h^2)/(kbT*1.6*10^-19*(me+mh)))^(3/2) = "+string(T)+"s^-1")//calculation Tr = 1/T disp("The e-h recombination time is Tr = 1/T = "+string(Tr)+"s")//calculation