clc Pop = 10 disp("Pop= "+string(Pop))//initializing value of amount of optical intensity hw=1.65 disp("hw = "+string(hw)+"eV") //initializing value of energy of incident optical beam (h-bar omega) alpha = 7*10^3 disp("alpha= "+string(alpha)+"cm^-1")//initializing value of absorption coefficient(alpha) for GaAs T = 10^-9 disp("T= "+string(T)+"s")//inializing value of e-h recombination time GL = (alpha*Pop)/(hw*1.6*10^-19) disp("The rate of e-h pair production is ,GL = (a*Pop)/(hw)= "+string(GL)+"cm^-3s^-1")//calculation dn = (GL*T) disp("The excess carrier density is ,dn = (GL*T)= "+string(dn)+"cm^-3")//calculation