clear; clc; //page no. 511 l = 5;//ft d = 0.5;//ft v = 1;//fps T = 60;//degreeF D = 0.04;//lb k = 1/64;//model scale nu = 0.00001217; R = v*l/nu; Cf1 = 0.0020; Cf2 = 0.0052; Dx1 = 2*Cf1*l*d*1.938*0.5*v^2; Dx2 = 2*Cf2*l*d*1.938*0.5*v^2; delta1 = l*5.20/sqrt(R); delta2 = l*0.38/(R^0.2); V_0 = sqrt((v^2 /l)*(l*(1/k))); R_p = V_0*l*(1/k)/nu; Cf = 0.00185; Dx = 2*Cf*l*d*(1/k)^2 *1.938*0.5*V_0^2; Dw = D-Dx2; Dw_p = (1/k)^2 *d*l*V_0^2 *Dw/(l*d); D = Dw_p + Dx; printf('Total drag of the prototype = %d lb',D); //there is an error in the answer given in textbbok