clear; clc; //page no. 502 b = 50;//ft c = 7;//ft CL = 0.6;//lift coefficient CD = 0.05;//drag coefficient alpha = 7;//degrees V = 150/0.681818;//coverting mph to fps H = 10000;//ft rho = 0.001756;//slug/cuft D = CD*b*c*rho*0.5*V^2; hp = D*V/550; L = CL*b*c*rho*0.5*V^2; mu = 3.534*10^-7;//lb-sec/sqft R = V*c*rho/mu; a = sqrt(1.4*33.2*53.3*(23.4+459.6)); M = V/a; printf('hp = %d hp,\n L = %.2f lb,\n R = %d,\n M = %.3f',hp,L,R,M); //there are small errors in the answer given in textbook