//find clc //solution //given BP=5000//W N=1200//rpm n=N/2 pm=0.35//N/mm^2 effm=0.8 //let D bebore dia IP=BP/effm//W //IP=pm*l*A*n/60 //A=%pi*D^2/4,l=1.5D //IP=4.12*10^-3 *D^3 D=(IP*1000/4.12)^(1/3)//mm printf("dia of bore dis,%f mm\n",D) l=1.5*D L=1.15*l ft=42 printf("stroke length is,%f mm\n",L) p=9*pm C=0.1 th=D*sqrt(C*p/ft) printf("thickness of head is,%f mm\n",th) Fc=(%pi/4)*D^2*p//N//force on cylinder...eq1 //let ns be nu,mbr of studs ns=6//...assume ///let dc be core dia ft1=65//N/mm^2 //d be nominal dia //Fs=ns*(%pi/4)*dc^2*ft1=216*d^2....eq2...//dc=0.84*d //using eq1 and eq2 //we get //d=sqrt(Fc/216) printf("nominal dia is ,%f mm\n",sqrt(Fc/216)) printf("nominal dia is,say 14 mm\n") d=14//mm