//solution //given n=25 d1=25//mm t1=18//mm tu=300//N/mm^2 effm=0.95 Cs=0.1 ft=6//N/mm^2 rho=7250//kg/m^3 D=1.4//m R=0.7//m As=%pi*d1*t1//area of plate sheared Fs=As*tu//N Eps=0.5*Fs*t1//N-mm//energy req per stroke Epm=Eps*n/1000//N-m P=Epm/(60*effm)//W printf("power req is,%f W\n",P) //let t be thickness and b be width of rim //b=2t //A=b*t=2*t^2 dE=(9/10)*Eps//N-m //let m be mass of wheel Erim=0.95*dE//N-m N=9*25//rpm w=2*%pi*N/60//rad/s m=Erim/(R^2*w^2*Cs)//kg //m=A*2*%pi*R*rho=63782*t^2 t=sqrt(m/63782)//m printf("the thickness and width is,%f m\n,%f m\n",t,2*t)