clc //soltuion //given P=15000//W N=900//rpm K=1.35//service factor //ts=tb=tk=40//N/mm^2 ts=40//N/mm^2 tb=40//N/mm^2 tk=40//N/mm^2 //fcb=fck fck=80//N/mm^2 fcb=80//N/mm^2 tc=8//N/mm^2 //let d be dia Tq=(P*60*1000)/(2*%pi*N)//N-mm Tqmax=Tq*1.35//N-mm //Tq=(%pi/16)*t*d^3=7.86*d^3 //d=(Tq/7.86)^(1/3)//mm printf("the dia of shaft is,%f mm\n ",(Tqmax/7.86)^(1/3)) printf("the dia of shaft is ,say 35mm\n") d=35//mm D=2*d//mm printf("the outer dia of muff is,%f mm\n",D) L=1.5*d//mm printf("the length of muff is,%f mm\n",L) //from table 13.1,we find that shaft of dia 75mm diametr w=12//width of diametre t1=12//mm//thickness of key //let tc be induced shear stress //Tqmax=(%pi/16)*tc*[(D^4-d^4)/D] =63147*fc fc=Tqmax/63147//N/mm^2 printf("the induced stress acting is,%f N/mm^2\n",fc) tf=0.5*d//mm printf("the thicknes of flange is,%f mm\n",tf) //let d1 be nominal dia of bolts n=3 D=3*d //Tqmax=(%pi/4)*d1^2*tb*n*D1/2 d1=sqrt(Tqmax/4950)//mm D2=4*d//mm tp=0.25*d printf("the nominal dia of bolts is,%f mm\n",d1) printf("the outer dia of flange is,%f mm\n",D2) printf("the thickness of protective circumferencial flange is,%fmm",tp)