//find size of bolt required clc //soltuion //given D=300//mm p=1.5//N/mm^2 n=8 fy=330//N/mm^2 fe=240//n/mm^2 //P1=1.5*P2 Fs=2 K=0.5 pi=3.14 P2=(pi/4)*D^2*p//N P1=1.5*P2//N Pmax=P1+K*P2//N printf("the max force on head is,%f N\n",Pmax) Pmax1=Pmax/n//N//load on each bolt Pmin=P1/n//N Pm=(Pmin+Pmax1)/2//N//average load Pv=(Pmax1-Pmin)/2//N//variable load printf("the mean and vaiable load acting are Pm and Pv,%f N\n,%f N\n",Pm,Pv) //let dc core diametr of bolt in mm //As=(pi/4)*dc^2//mm^2//stress area of bolt //fm=Pm/As=29534/dc^2//N/mm^2 //fv=Pv/As=4220/dc^2//N/mm^2 //acc to soderberg's formula , //fv=fe[(1/Fs)-(fm/fy)] //4420/dc^2=240*[(1/2)-29534/(dc^2*330)] dc=sqrt(25700/120)//mm printf("the value of core dai is,%f mm\n",dc) printf("the standard value of core diametr is 14.933 mm fron T11.1")