//find length of each parallel fillet weld clc //solution //given //ref fig 10.15 b=75//mm//width t=12.5//mm//thickness ft=70//N/mm^2 T=56//N/mm^2 l1=b-t//mm s=12.5//mm //let l2 be length of each parallel fillet for static loading //P=A*ft P=b*t*ft//N//max load P1=0.707*s*l1*ft//N //P2=1.414*s*l2*T=990*l2//N //P=P1+P2 l2=(P-P1)/990//mm printf("the value of length of static weld is,%f mm\n",l2+12.5) //length of parallel fillet for fatique loading ft1=ft/1.5//N/mm^2 T1=T/2.7//N/mm^2 P11=0.707*s*l1*ft1//N //P2=1.414*s*l2*T1=366*l22//N //P=P1+P2 l22=(P-P11)/366//mm printf("the value of length of static weld is,%f mm\n",l22+12.5)