//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 7 //Example 7.1-1 //Principles of Unsteady state and convective mass transfer //given data //si units c0=0.1;//initial concentration c1=0;//final concentration K=1;//assumed as 1 Dab=4.72/(10^10);//diffusivity t1=10*3600;//time take x1=0; xc=10.6/(2*1000); n1=x1/xc; X1=(Dab*t1/(xc^2)); Y1=0.275;//from graph ci=c1-(Y1*((c1/K)-c0));//graph intercept m=0; mprintf("the concentration at i) the centre is %f kg mol/m3",ci) x2=2.54/1000; n2=x2/xc; X=(Dab*t1/(xc^2)); Y2=0.172;//from graph cii=c1-(Y2*((c1/K)-c0)); m=0; mprintf(" the concentration at i) midpoint of the slab is %f kg mol/m3",cii) x3=2.54/1000; n2=x1/xc; X3=X1/(0.5*0.5); Y3=0.002;//from graph ciii=c1-(Y3*((c1/K)-c0)); m=0; mprintf(" the concentration at iii) haLVING thickness is %f kg mol/m3",ciii)