//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 5 //Example 5.2-1 //Principles of Unsteady State Heat Transfer //given data //english units r=1/12;//radius x1=r/3;//ratio of volume to area h=2;//convective coefficient k=25;//thermal conductivity Bi=(h*x1)/k;//biot number Cp=0.11;//specific heat rho=490;//density if(Bi<0.1) M=h/(Cp*rho*x1); Tinf=250;//constant temp T0=800;//initial temp t=1; T=((T0-Tinf)*((2.718)^(-M*t)))+Tinf;//solving arhenius equation mprintf("the temp in english units %f deg F",T) else mprintf("some other method must be employed") end //si units rsi=25.4/1000; x1si=rsi/3; hsi=11.36; ksi=43.3; Bisi=(hsi*x1si)/ksi; Cpsi=0.4606*1000; rhosi=7849; if(Bisi<0.1) Msi=hsi/(Cpsi*rhosi*x1si); Tinfsi=394.3; T0si=699.9; tsi=3600; Tsi=((T0si-Tinfsi)*((2.718)^(-Msi*tsi)))+Tinfsi;//solving arhenius equation mprintf(" the temp in si units %f deg K",Tsi) else mprintf("some other method must be employed") end