//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 3 //Example 3.1-3 //Principles of Momentum Transfer and Applications //given data basis=1;//taking basis as 1 m3 of packed bed rho=962;//bulk density of packed bed m=rho*basis;//total mass rho2=1600;//density of solid cylinders V=m/rho2;//volume of the cylinder E=(basis-V)/(basis);//void fraction mprintf("void fraction = %f",E); D=0.02;//diameter of cylinder Av=6/D;// Av= Sp/Vp where Sp is the surface area of the particle and D is the diameter of the particle Dp=6/Av;//effectice diameter mprintf(" ii) effectice diameter = %f m",Dp); a=(6/Dp)*(1-E);//value of a mprintf(" iii) value of a= %f m-1",a) //end