//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 2 //Example 2.2-2 //Principles of Momentum Transfer and Overall Balances //given data //P(total pressure)=h(height of the column)*rho(density of fluid)*g(gravity force)+P(absolute pressure) h1=10 ;//ht of oil layer in ft rhooil=917;//density of oil in kg/m3 g=9.8;//gravity force in m/s2 Patmsi=1.01325*10^5;//atm pressure in si units Patm=14.696;//lbf/in2 Ptot1=h1*(rhooil*62.43/1000)*1*(1/144)+Patm;//ft*(lbm/ft3)*(1/(in2/ft2)); Ptot1si=(h1*0.3048)*rhooil*g+Patmsi;//total pressure of oil in si units h2=2;//ht in ft rhowater=1000;//density of water in kg/m3 Ptot2=h2*(rhowater*62.43/1000)*1*(1/144)+Ptot1;//ft*(lbm/ft3)*(1/(in2/ft2)) Ptot2si=(h2*0.3048)*rhowater*g+Ptot1si;//total pressure of water in si units Pgage=Ptot2-Patm mprintf("the pressure on oil layer is %f psia",Ptot1) mprintf("the pressure on oil layer is %f pa",Ptot1si) mprintf("the pressure on bottom layer is %f psia",Ptot2) mprintf("the pressure on oil layer is %f pa",Ptot2si) mprintf("the gage pressure %f psia",Pgage) //end