//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 14 //Example 14.2-1 //Mechanical-Physical Seperation Processes //given data t=[4.4 9.5 16.3 24.6 34.7 46.1 59 73.6 89.4 107.3]; V=(1/1000)*[0.498 1 1.501 2 2.498 3.002 3.506 4.004 4.502 5.009] tbyVd=[]; for(i=1:10) tbyVd(i)=(t(1,i)/V(1,i)) end tbyV=(1/1000)*tbyVd plot2d((V*1000),tbyV); xtitle("Determination of the constants","Vx1000","(t/V)x(10^-3)") //as seen from the graph, B=6400;//intercept in s/m3 //as it is seen the given graph resembles a straight line we can find Kp/2 Kpby2=[tbyV(6)-tbyV(5)]*1000/(V(6)-V(5));//slope of st line in s/m6 Kp=Kpby2*2; mu=8.937e-4; A=0.0439; delP=338*1000; //Now Kp=mu*alpha*cs/(A*A*delP) Cs=23.47; alpha=Kp*(A*A*delP)/(mu*Cs); //also B=(mu*Rm)/(A*A*(-delP)) Rm=B*(A*(delP))/mu mprintf("alpha= %f m/kg",alpha) mprintf(" Rm= %f m-1",Rm) //As the slope has been calculated in numerical value deviations have been found.Kpby2=6*10^6 according to the example but the value calculated here is 5.815*10^6