//Transport Processes and Seperation Process Principles //Chapter 11 //Example 11.3-1 //Vapour Liquid Seperation Processes //given data //suffix d means values are theoretical. other values withoud d are graphical values ya2d=0.4;//mole fraction of benzene xa0d=0.3; V2=100;//100 kg mol mixture of benzene and toluene L0=110;//mixed with 110 kg mol of benzene and toluene L1=L0;//as the 2 streams are in equilibrium with each other V1=V2; //material balance on A //L0xa0+V2ya2=L1xa1+V1ya1 //assuming xa1=0.2 xa=[]; ya=[]; xa1d=0.2; ya1d=(L0*xa0d+V2*ya2d-L1*xa1d)/V1 xa1dd=0.4; ya1dd=(L0*xa0d+V2*ya2d-L1*xa1dd)/V1 xa1ddd=0.3; ya1ddd=(L0*xa0d+V2*ya2d-L1*xa1ddd)/V1 xad=[xa1d xa1dd xa1ddd]; yad=[ya1d ya1dd ya1ddd]; plot(xad,yad,rec=[0,0,1,1]) pa=[116.9 135.5 155.7 179.2 204.2 240] pb=[46 54 63.3 74.3 86 101.32] P=101.32;//dew point pressure //eq: paxa+pb(1-xa)=P m=linspace(0,1,10) n=linspace(0,1,10) for i=1:6 xa(i)=(P-pb(1,i))/(pa(1,i)-pb(1,i)) ya(i)=((pa(1,i))*xa(i))/P end plot(m,n) plot2d(xa,ya,rect=[0 0 1 1]) xtitle("equilibrium diagram for benzene-toluene system","xa","ya") disp("from the graph intersection we can say ya1=0.455 and xa1=0.25")