clc disp("Example 6.24") printf("\n") disp("calculate output voltage for inverting amplifier & sketch the waveform") printf("given") disp("Peak to peak input votage=200mV,Rf/R1=10") Vpp=200*10^(-3) Vm=Vpp/2 RfdivR1=10 wt=0:0.2:3*%pi Vi=Vm*sin(wt) Vo=-(RfdivR1)*Vi disp(Vo) a= gca (); subplot(221) a= gca(); a. x_location = "origin"; a. y_location = "origin"; plot2d(wt,Vi) xtitle("Vi V/s wt","wt","Vi in volt") a.thickness=2 subplot(222) a= gca(); a. x_location = "origin"; a. y_location = "origin"; plot2d(wt,Vo) xtitle("Vo V/s wt","wt","Vo in volt") a.thickness=2