clc disp("Example 3.73") printf("\n") disp("Find the Ve, Ic,Vce & Vc. Draw a DC load line for Voltage divider circuit") printf("Given\n") //given Vcc=18 Vbe=0.7 hFE=50 R1=33*10^3 R2=12*10^3 Rc=1.2*10^3 Re=10^3 //thevenin voltage Vt=(Vcc*R2)/(R1+R2) //thevenin resistance Rt=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2) //base current Ib=(Vt-Vbe)/(Rt+(1+hFE)*Re) //collector current Icq=hFE*Ib //emitter current Ie=Ib+Icq //emitter voltage Ve=Ie*Re //collector to emitter voltage Vceq=Vcc-(Icq*Rc)-(Ie*Re); Vce=[Vcc Vceq 0]; //collector voltage Vc=Vce+Ve //to draw DC load line Ic1=Vcc/(Rc+Re) Ic=[0 Icq Ic1] printf("Q(%f volt,%f ampere)\n",Vceq,Icq) plot2d(Vce, Ic) xlabel("Vce in volt") ylabel("Ic in ampere") xtitle("DC load line for base bias circuit")