clear; clc; w = 550;// lb. per foot run f = 1000;// lb/in^2 l = 20;// feet d_limit = 15;// inches E = 1.5*10^6;// lb/in^2 //central ddeflection delta = (1/2);// inches d = (5/24)*(f/E)*20*12/(1/(2*20*12));// inches M = w*l*l*12/8;// lb-inches b = M/(f*(1/6)*d^2);// inches printf('A section with d = %d inches, b = %d inches will do.',round(d),round(b)); f1 = (1/(2*20*12))*(d_limit/(l*12))*E/(5/24);// lb/in^2 b = M/(f1*(1/6)*d_limit^2);// inches printf('\n If the deapth of section is limited to %d inches, then \n f = %.1f lb/in^2\n b = %.1f inches',d_limit,f1,b); //tha answer is correct only, but it is approximated in the text book.