clear; clc; l = 3;// feet b = 3;// inches t = 3/8;// inches W = 1500;// lb. f = 12;// tons/in^2 E = 30*10^6;// tons/in^2 M_max = W*l*12/4 ;// lb-inches M_r = f*(1/6)*b*t^2 *2240;// lb-inches n = M_max/M_r ;// no. of plates n = round(n+1); f = M_max/(n*(1/6)*b*t^2);// lb/in^2 R = E/(2*f/t) ;// inches delta = (l*12)^2 /(8*R);// inches printf('Number of plates required, n = %d',n); printf('\n The central deflection, delta = %.4f inch.',delta); printf('\n The initial radius to which the plates must be bent, R = %.3f inches',R);