clear; clc; b = 18;// inches d = 6;// inches l = 16;// feet W = 2;// tons h = 1/2;// inches I_xx = 841.76;// in^4 E = 13000;// tons/in^2 P = W + sqrt(2*W*h*48*E*I_xx/(l*12)^3 + 2*W);// tons M_max = P*l*12/4;// ton-inches Z = 2*I_xx/b ;// in^3 f = M_max/Z ;// tons/in^2 delta = P*(l*12)^3 /(48*E*I_xx);// inches printf('The maximum instantaneous deflection delta = %.4f inches\n and stress induced, f = %.3f tons/in^2',delta,f); //there is an error in the answer given in text book