clc //initialization of variables clear wb=10 //cm wh=20 //cm sb=0.5 //cm sh=10 //cm s=6 //m fs=1650 //kg/cm^2 fw=150 //kg/cm^2 Es=2*10^6 //kg/cm^2 Ew=12*10^4 //kg/cm^2 //calculations // Method 1 as=2*fs/(21*Es) aw=2*fw/(20*Ew) a=min(as,aw) ss=a*Ew*wh/2 //Moment resistance of steel portion F=(fs+1573)/2*sb*sh k=sb/3*(fs+2*1573)/(fs+1573) Ms=2*F*(10.5-k) //Moment resistance of wooden portion F=ss*wb*wb/2 Mw=2*(F*(wb-wb/3)) M=Ms+Mw //Total udl supported W=M*8/(s*100) //Results printf('Using method 1') printf('\n W = %d kg',W) //Method 2 nE=Es/Ew nf=fs/fw Is=2*(0+sb*sh*10.25^2) Iw=0.6*wh^3/12 I=Is+Iw W=fs*I*8/(s*100*10.5) //Results printf('\n Using method 2') printf('\n W = %d kg',W)